
Kalyanotsavam literally means marriage of Shree Venkateswara. It is performed every day except during special function and important days, Ekadesi, Muppittu Thursday, Muppittu Friday and during eight days of Arat Ratolsavam & Maholsavam. The wedding cermony is held amidst recitation of the vedic mantras and pronouncing the family pedigree of the brides and bridegroom. The idols of the Lord and his bride face each other with a screen in between. They are allowed to see each other only at the appropriate auspicious moment when the screen is removed and thereafter Kanayadanam is performed by the person (Grihasta) and his wife who is performing Kalyanotsavam. Thereafter priest perform homam and other religious aspects involved in hindu marriages are performed during kalyanotsavam. At last Grihista is honoured with dhoti and upper cloth and his wife with saree and blouse.
For Kalyanotsavam the Grihista should wear dhoti and upper cloth who should come taking bath without touching anybody and only members of the GSB Community are allowed to perform Kanyadanam as per temple scheme.
In the afternoon the rice and curry is given as prasadam to the person and his companions who is performing kalyanotsavam and dry fruits in the evening.
The performer and his companion should report at 5.45 P.M in the temple Parsva Mandapam for Kalyanotsavam.