Shree Venkatesha Seva Samithi

Shree Venketesha Seva Samithi situating just outside the temple was founded in 1935 by our beloved dharma guru Shreemad Sukratheendhra Theertha Swamiji with a view of Social Service to the community members.
Samithi is managing a crematorium for the members of the GSB community were no charges is levied on members of the community for cremating bodies. It is the most important activity of the seva samithi.
Seva samithi is also managing a Athuralayam, which is providing food and shelter to the members of the community who have nobody to look after them. Everyday Rice and Curry from the temple is provided to the peoples of Athuralayam for lunch. Samithi also have a library and reading room named after our late guru Shree Sukratheendra Theertha Swamiji
Under the leadership of Seva Samithi, Karthika Masa Bhajan is conducting every year, in which Arathi (lamp) shown to Lord Venkateshwara is carried and the bhajan will pass through the Vithi (lanes) near the temple. Samithis also giving uniforms and books every year for the needy children’s of the community.
Seva Samithi is also having a small hall which is provided for conducting religious and cultural functions of the community at a nominal rent
Seva Samithi is having a member from the Cochin Thirumala Devaswom as member of the committee representing Cochin Thirumala Devaswom.
The founder president of seva samithis is Shri.S.Narayana Kamath and the samithi has already completed 75 years of service to the community and celebrated Platinum Jubilee in the year 2010