This ritual of Tapta Mudra Dharana is said to purify the body, cleanse one from his past sins. Also, according to learned
opinion, this is said to have a positive effect on the nervous system of a person. The ritual of Tapta Mudra Dharana is a very
important for all Vaishnavas. It is as significant as wearing Yagnopavita. It is customary for all Vaishanvas to to undergo this ritual on the first ekadashi of Ashadha Masa. The Vayu Purana clearly brings out the importance and significance of Tapta Mudra Dharana in the following verse –
This ritual of Tapta Mudra Dharana is said
to purify the body, cleanse one from his
past sins. Also, according to learned
opinion, this is said to have a positive effect
on the nervous system of a person.
The ritual of Tapta Mudra Dharana is a very
important for all Vaishnavas. It is as significant
as wearing Yagnopavita. It is customary for all
Vaishanvas to to undergo this ritual on the first
ekadashi of Ashadha Masa. The Vayu Purana
clearly brings out the importance and significance
of Tapta Mudra Dharana in the following verse –
उपवीतं शिखां चैव ऊर्ध्वपुण्ड्रं तथैव च ।
चक्रलाञ्छनहीनस्य विप्रस्य विफलं भवेत् ।।
All deeds performed by a Dvija are fruitless if
performed without Yagnopavita, Sikha, Urdhva
Pundra and Chakra Mudras.
In this short article some of the common
questions regarding this ritual are answered
quoting the relevant pramanas.
It should be on Ashadha Shuddha
This is due to scriptural injunction. According to
Padma Purana and other puranas, tapta mudra
should be obtained from a vaishnava guru at the
time of initiation to vaishnava mantras and also
during the AShADha shayanI ekAdashiand kArtIka
prabodhini ekadashis.
शयन्यां चैव बोधिन्यां चक्रतीर्थे तथैव च।
शङ्खचक्रविधानेन वह्निपूतो भवेन्नरः॥
shayanyAM caiva bodhinyAM cakratIrthe tathaiva
ca |
sha~NkhachakravidhAnena vahnipUto
bhavennaraH ||
Procedure of tapta mudra:
प्रतप्तं चक्रमादाय मन्त्रेणैव तथा गुरुः।
शङ्खचक्राङ्कनं कुर्यात् ब्राह्मणो बाहुमूलयोः
हुताग्निनैव संतप्य सर्वपापापनुत्तये।
चक्रं वा शङ्खचक्रो वा तथा पञ्चायुधानि वा।
धारयित्वैव विधिवत् ब्रह्मकर्म समारभेत्॥
prataptaM cakramAdAya mantreNaiva tathA
guruH |
sha~NkhacakrA~NkanaM kuryAt brAhmaNo
hutAgninaiva saMtapya sarvapApApanuttaye |
cakraM vA sha~Nkhacakro vA tathA
pa~ncAyudhAni vA |
dhArayitvaiva vidhivat brahmakarma samArabhet
The sha~Nkha amd chakra should be first heated
and then worn on the both the shoulders. One can
wear chakra or both sha~Nkha or chakra or the 5
weapons of viShNu. One should begin any ritual
only after wearing these marks.
अनेन विधिना मन्त्रं योऽधीते वैष्णवाद्गुरोः।
ततः स वैष्णवं याति नान्यथा सुरसत्तम॥
anena vidhinA mantraM yo.adhIte
vaiShNavAdguroH |
tataH sa vaiShNavaM yAti nAnyathA
surasattama ||
One who learns the mantra strictly adhering to
the above mentioned procedure will attain
vaiShnavisM and not otherwise.
According to vR^iddha hArIta smR^iti, the places
where the mudras are to be stamped is given as
स दहेत् दक्षिणेबाहौ चक्रं शङ्खं च वामतः।
स्तनयोरूर्ध्वतश्चापि स्वेच्छया च तथोदरे।
एवं मुद्रापञ्चकं च मुद्राद्वयमथाऽपि वा॥
sa dahet daxiNebAhau cakraM sha~NkhaM ca
vAmataH |
stanayorUrdhvatashchApi svecChayA ca
tathodare |
evaM mudrApa~ncakaM ca
mudrAdvayamathA.api vA ||
One should be stamped with cakra on the right
shoulder and sha~Nka on the left shoulder, on the
chest and also on the stomach. Like this one
should take either 5 or 2 mudras.
अकाले चाप्यदेशे च विधिमुल्लंघ्य यो नरः।
लोभाद्युपाधिना वाऽपि यस्मात् कस्माच्च पूरुषात्।
स्वयं वाऽपि दहेत् गात्रं चक्रश्ङ्खादिकैरपि।
सोऽपि व्रजेत निरयं साकं स्वगुरुणा चिरम्।
तस्मात्तु विधिना ब्रह्मन् गृह्णीयात् सद्गुरोरपि॥
akAle cApyadeshe ca vidhimullaMghya yo naraH
lobhAdyupAdhinA vA.api yasmAt kasmAcca
pUruShAt |
svayaM vA.api dahet gAtraM
cakrash~NkhAdikairapi |
so.api vrajeta nirayaM sAkaM svaguruNA ciram |
tasmAttu vidhinA brahman gR^ihNIyAt
sadgurorapi ||
One should chose proper time, place and obtain
the mudra from a sadguru. If one takes the mudra
himself or from any other unqualified person due
to greed or other reasons, he will go to hell along
with his guru.
This ritual is said to purify the body, cleanse one
from his past sins. Also, according to learned
opinion, this is said to have a positive effect on
the nervous system of a person.
Even Shri Vaishnavas have the custom of getting
stamped with heated mudrAs for getting initiated
into Vaishnavism. But this is required to be done
only once in life time.
Therefore, every person should undergo this
important and purifying Vaishnava Deeksha
without fail from their respective gurus.