
According to a custom followed in the Kashi Math, after Swamiji passes away, the mortal remains of the departed Swamiji are buried in the earth after suitably embalming the body with preservatives – salt, camphor, heaps of Tulsi leaves etc. – usually in the Math premises or in temples associated with the Math. Subsequently, a memorial structure is constructed over the site and an idol of Lord Hanuman is installed., the underlying principle being that the soul of the departed Swamiji reaches Lord Hari, through Mukhya Prana (Hanuman). The entire place is known as the Vrindavana of the Swamiji. The Vrindhavan of our beloved guru Shreemad Sukhratheendhra Theertha Swamiji who attained Mukthi on Sunday July, 10, 1949 is situated in our Temple and an Idol of Lord Hanum is installed in the Vrindhavan. Daily pujas, abhishekham are performed and on the Punya Tithi (Death Anniversary) day Special Pujas, Prayers and Abhishekam to the Hanuman Idol is performed for the blessing of Guru to the entire samsthan and its followers. The “Padhukam” (Shoes) worn by Shreemad Sukratheendhara Theertha Swamiji is also kept inside this Vrindhavan.

Devotees believes that whoever offer prayers with ardent devotion at the Vrindhavan, their wishes will be fulfilled and will not suffer in the cycle of birth and death and they will be liberated.